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Top 8 Movies with Stunning Visual Effects You Must Watch

Updated: Jun 22

If you're a movie lover, you've undoubtedly enjoyed animated films, thrilling action flicks, or movies with stunning visuals that defy practical recording methods. Many blockbusters movies spend years in pre-production and post-production of a movie, employing a vast team of animators, motion capture artists, and computer graphics specialists.

These experts work tirelessly to design vibrant work needed for a picture and create unbelievable imagery, seamlessly integrating these visual wonders into live-action footage.

So, what exactly is VFX?

Visual effects, or VFX, refer to the creation, manipulation, or enhancement of imagery for film or other moving media that cannot be achieved during live-action shooting. VFX allows filmmakers to bring extraordinary scenes to life, transporting audiences to realms beyond imagination.

In essence, VFX is like magic in movies, transforming the impossible into reality and captivating viewers with its spellbinding effects.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the best 8 movies that stand as monuments of visual effects brilliance. Whether you're a seasoned veteran in the field or simply a lover of stunning visuals, these films showcase how expertise in visual effects has not only made a difference but also propelled the art of filmmaking to new heights.

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"Avatar" is celebrated for its incredible visual effects, making the alien world of Pandora feel astonishingly real. The film became a global blockbuster, thanks to its stunning environments, all hand-painted for realism. James Cameron’s innovation in visual effects set new industry standards. This movie won three Academy Awards for Best Cinematography, Best Visual Effects, and Best Art Direction.

Where to Watch: Disney+ Hotstar

Director: Colin Trevorrow

Bringing dinosaurs to life on the big screen was a groundbreaking achievement in filmmaking. The creativity behind such a feat is truly remarkable!

When "Jurassic World" hit theatres, it quickly became a viral blockbuster, delivering thrilling and chilling experiences to audiences worldwide.

With each subsequent release, the visual effects have only improved, making the dinosaurs appear even more lifelike. Audiences flock to 3D cinemas to immerse themselves fully, feeling as though they're living the adventure alongside the characters.

One of the film's greatest strengths is its use of practical effects, including props and animatronics, for most of the dinosaur shots. This approach has contributed to the movie's enduring realism, making it look almost as convincing today as it did nearly three decades ago.

Where to Watch: Amazon Prime

Director: Peter Jackson

Peter Jackson's "King Kong" mesmerized audiences with its stunning visuals and emotional depth, bringing the legendary ape to life through groundbreaking CGI and motion capture. Set against the backdrop of Skull Island, the film captivated viewers with its epic tale of adventure and the powerful bond between Kong and Ann Darrow, portrayed by Naomi Watts. 

Jackson's visionary direction transformed the story into an unforgettable cinematic experience, blending spectacle with heartfelt storytelling to create a modern classic.

Where can I watch King Kong: Netflix

Christopher Nolan, renowned for his distinctive visual style and complex narratives, reached new heights with "Inception." The film's iconic scenes, such as the folding street in Paris and the mind-bending dream sequences, showcased groundbreaking visual effects that left audiences in awe.

Praised for its seamless blend of practical and CGI effects, "Inception" won an Oscar and a BAFTA Award for Best Visual Effects in 2011, solidifying its legacy as a groundbreaking achievement in cinema.

It continues to be celebrated not only for its narrative depth but also as a masterclass in visual effects, inspiring future generations of filmmakers.

Where to Watch: Netflix 

Director: Matt Reeves

"Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" revolutionized motion capture technology, delivering an incredibly realistic portrayal of intelligent apes that brought new emotional depth and visual splendor to the franchise.

Renowned for its iconic visuals, the franchise achieved a remarkable feat by making the apes not only look real but also undeniably human.

This was accomplished through a sophisticated blend of CGI key-frame animation and motion-capture performance.

For anyone interested in how VFX can enhance storytelling and create immersive experiences, this movie and its sequels are essential for viewing.

Stream Online: Disney+ Hotstar 

Director: Jon Favreau

Famous among the younger generation, "The Jungle Book" is a groundbreaking movie that has become a favorite for kids. Under the direction of Jon Favreau, MPC’s visual effects team developed the characters, figured out how they would talk, and crafted the movie’s full CG environments.

The team worked hard to bring all the jungle animals to life, meticulously using animation tools to hand-animate characters like King Louie, Bagheera, the Alpha Wolf, Shere Khan, Baloo, and even the smallest of insects.

For inspiration and to be amazed by these wonderful VFX, watch "The Jungle Book"! It’s a fun and adventurous jungle movie that will captivate viewers of all ages.

Where to watch: Amazon Prime

The Avengers movie franchise is a cinematic masterpiece that excels on every level. It combines extraordinary superhero talents into an action-packed, humorous, and visually stunning adventure. Soon after its release, it became a world-famous blockbuster, blending thrilling action with what youth demands.

With over 5,000 VFX shots by Industrial Light & Magic and other studios, the franchise's use of CGI for alien planets and fantastical technology is remarkable. The creation of Thanos, a fully CGI character, is a highlight. 

Time-travel sequences, alien landscapes, and the showdown showcase how VFX can enhance storytelling, making "Avengers: Endgame" a visual spectacle that demonstrates the pinnacle of visual effects and VFX artists' creativity.

Where can I watch it: Amazon 

Directed by: Chris Columbus

Harry Potter, is a film that ignited the dreams of teenagers worldwide to attend a school of magic! 

This globally renowned movie is brimming with enchantment and marvels, inspiring kids to delve into the realm of VFX. 

Each viewing feels like the very first, with its spellbinding display of magical fireworks and captivating attack spells leaving an indelible visual impact on all. 

Harry Potter remains an enduring cornerstone in the realm of visual effects.

Where to watch: Prime Video 


These eight films are more than just movies; they are milestones in the evolution of visual effects. If you love animation and enjoy VFX, you must watch these incredible films.

They showcase how far we've come in cinematic magic and highlight each breakthrough that paves the way for future innovations. For visual effects enthusiasts and veterans, these films are a testament to the power of creativity, technology, and the relentless pursuit of making the impossible possible on the silver screen.

At PixsMagic, we understand the true essence of creativity and magic. That's why we strive to present what's behind the scenes and what people will love!

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